Drones and the Virtual Reality Experience

The desire to present a simulation of genuine experience—verisimilitude—is at the heart of of the visual arts. During its nearly 200-year history photography has evolved ever closer to a simulacrum of human vision. From early efforts to create 3D experience, to the most recent head-mounted display (HMD) video virtual reality imaging, the desire to extend the illusion of reality within a mediated visual experience continues. With the availability, beginning in 2017,  of drone-based VR cameras, the limits of the virtual reality experience were no longer bound to the earth. This website, which explores fifteen different use cases for drone-augmented virtual reality, won a “Best of Festival Award” at the 2019 Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts.
Howard Goldbaum

Beltany Stone Circle
Beltany Stone Circle
Church’s Pond
City and the Paps of Anu
Court of Antiquity
Creevykeel Court Tomb
Deserted Village of Slievemore
Dún An Óir
Dunbeg Fort
Fort Churchill
Giant’s Ring
Oyster River Marsh
Postpile Ridge
Poulnabrone Dolmen
Winnemucca Valley
Wroxton Abbey